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12. 堀江正樹, 王祺嫻, ”Photosalience and Thermal Phase Transitions of Azobenzene- and Crown Ether-Based Complexes in Polymorphic Crystals (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 21378)”, Highlighted by Chemistry Newsletter by MOST, 國科會圖書服務計畫化學中心總圖書室, 12月號化學電子報, Dec. 2023.


11. Semiconductor education at our university was highlighted in articles of Nikkei Business Journal on October 16, 2023, on page 30. High-resolution photos and detailed descriptions are available online for purchase.

つくるべきは次世代人材 TSMC生んだ「台湾モデル」に学ぶ:日経ビジネス電子版 (

10. 堀江正樹 「結晶中で動く、結晶を動かす、ロタキサン分子」 日本応用物理学会, 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会会誌, 特集: 分子のダイナミクスを活かした有機材料科学の新展開, The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics, 2021, Vol. 32, No. 4, Pages 211(34)211(39).


9. 堀江正樹, 王祺嫻, ”Ring rotation of ferrocene in interlocked molecules in single crystals (Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 3871)”, Highlighted by Chemistry Newsletter by MOST, 科技部圖書服務計畫化學中心總圖書室, 七月號化學電子報, Jul. 2021.


8. Essay: 高校生・化学宣言 PART13, 2020年4月30日, 遊タイム出版,

ISBN978-4-86010-360-6, Chapter 11, 堀江正樹


"My enjoyable academic life in the UK and Taiwan”

遊タイム出版 / 高校生・化学宣言 PART13


7. Press release, 媒體報導: Japan Yomiuri news paper (読売新聞),像是:
On Nov. 25, 2019, Japan Yomiuri news paper introduced 2019 Grand Contest

on Chemistry for High School Students in Japan (2019年11月25日,

読売新聞朝刊 20面). Masaki was also introduced in the top-right article.

See below link:

6. Press release, 媒體報導: 於2016年11月20-21日,

• 清大生造分子開關 憋氣變厲害 (聯合報全國版)
• 清大研發分子開關 免開刀修補器官不是夢 (自由時報全國版)
• 光致超分子開關 博士生研發 (Upaper全國版)
• 一秒開關10次 清華研發微型分子開關 (國立教育廣播電台網路 cited by HiNet新聞)
• 博士生研發光致超分子開關 練就憋氣功夫 (中央社網路)
• 博士生這項研發登國際期刊 意外練就憋氣功夫 (聯合新聞網網路)
• 打造毛髮般「分子開關」 清大登《自然通訊》期刊 (自由時報網路)
• 學生夜深人靜憋氣做實驗 苦熬四年成果登上國際期刊 (ETtoday東森新聞雲網路,

   NOW news 今日新聞 cited by Yahoo!奇摩新聞)
• 1秒鐘開關10次 清大生研發制光超分子開關 (更生日報網路)
• 學生夜深人靜憋氣做實驗 苦熬四年成果登上國際期刊 (中華電視公司, 華視新聞網)


5. 堀江正樹、張書維、武藤豪志、近藤健,"高分子化合物、有機光電変換素子、及び該素子の製造方法", 日本專利, 出願番号: 特願2015-050874, 公開番号: 特開2016-169328, 登録番号: 特許6536940, Mar 13, 2015 - Mar 13, 2035.

4. 武藤豪志、近藤健、堀江正樹、張書維,"高分子化合物、有機光電変換素子、及び該素子の製造方法, Polymeric compound for bulk-hetero junction photoelectric conversion layer, organic photoelectric conversion element, and method for producing said element", 國際專利 PCT Int. Appl. (2015), Application number: JP 2015-553294, Publication number: WO 2015/092909 A, Registration number: JP 6199992 B, Jun 25, 2015 – Dec 19, 2033.

3. Essay: 「海外の大学で働く 台湾の大学で研究室を主宰する」
堀江正樹 現代化学 2014年7月号 東京化学同人

2. Book Chapter: Supramolecular Polymer Chemistry, Ed. Akira Harada, Wiley-VCH, 2011, Chapter 14: Structure and Dynamic Behavior of Organometallic Rotaxanes, 301
325 (ISBN: 978-3-527-32321-0). Yuji Suzaki, Tomoko Abe, Eriko Chihara, Shintaro Murata, Masaki Horie, Kohtaro Osakada

1. 特集 海外から見た日本の錯体科学、錯体化学会
Bull. Jpn. Soc. Coord. Chem. 2010, 56, 49

2020-04-30 遊タイム出版.jpg

Student Awards

Won the 1st Place, "P1-A-01 Synthesis and applications of thiophene- based hydrophilic conjugated polymers" 黃于庭 2024中華民國高分子學會年會 Annual Meeting of the Polymer society, National Cheng Kung (成功大學), Jan 24, 2024.

Won the 2nd Place, "P1-B-07 以二茂鐵與蒽為色團的擬輪烷薄膜和晶體的光響應機械運動" 黃冠閎" 2024中華民國高分子學會年會 Annual Meeting of the Polymer society, National Cheng Kung (成功大學), Jan 24, 2024.

The poster prize award from Dalton Transactions, Chi-Hsien Wang (王祺嫻), 16th International Symposium of Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (2022 ISMSC), Eugene, Oregon, USA, June 19-24, 2022.

The second place presenter in the research presentation contest (109學年度研究生論文發表競賽 複賽), 王祺嫻, College of Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學工學院), June 11, 2021.

The second place presenter in the research presentation contest (109學年度研究生論文發表競賽 初賽), 王祺嫻, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學化學工程系), April 4, 2021.

The Silver Poster Award in Federation of Asian Polymer Societies Polymer Congress (FAPS) 2019, Yi-Chia Lin (林儀嘉), title: Mechanical Motions of Azobenzene-Containing Supramolecular Materials (S3-044). Taipei, Oct 27-30, 2019.

The honorable mention presenter in the research presentation contest (106學年度研究生論文發表競賽 複賽), Shao-Chi Cheng (程紹奇), College of Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學工學院), May 18, 2018.


The second place presenter in the research presentation contest (106學年度研究生論文發表競賽 初賽), Shao-Chi Cheng (程紹奇), Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學化學工程系), April 18, 2018.


The oral presentation award in young researchers session, “Photoinduced bending of azobenzene-based [2]pseudorotaxane crystals”, Shao-Chi Cheng (程紹奇), The Annual Spring Conference and Expo on Chemical Engineering: From Materials Engineering to Nanotechnology (ChEMEN 2018), Maiami, USA, April 4-5, 2018.


IPC 2016 Young Scientist Poster Award, “Reversible photo- and thermally-induced motion of supramolecular crystal actuators”, Kai-Jen Chen (陳楷荏), 15P-S2-043a, The 11th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2016), Fukuoka, Japan (福岡 日本), Dec 13-16, 2016.


IPC 2016 Young Scientist Poster Award, “Synthesis and characterization of conjugated cyclophane-trienes comprising cyclopentadithiophenes and their ring-opening metathesis polymerization”, Shih-Ting Chiu (邱詩婷), 16P-G1-088b, The 11th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2016), Fukuoka, Japan (福岡 日本), Dec 13-16, 2016.


IPC 2016 Young Scientist Poster Award, “Synthesis of cyclopentadithiophene-benzoic acid based conjugated polymers for use as polymer binder in Si based lithium ion batteries”, Kuo-Lung Wang (王國隆), 16P-G4-131a, The 11th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2016), Fukuoka, Japan (福岡 日本), Dec 13-16, 2016.


The 1st prize for student poster contest in the Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Polymer Symposium, 2016 台日雙邊高分子研討會 學生海報競賽, “Synthesis and characterization of conjugated block copolymers and their ring-opening metathesis polymerization, Shih-Ting Chiu (邱詩婷), Hsin-Yu Chiang (蔣欣妤), Masaki Horie, Presentation number: P20, 2016 台日雙邊高分子研討會 Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Polymer Symposium, National Tsing Hua University (清華大學), Taiwan, Sept 7-11, 2016.


Won the 3rd Place in the English presentation contest in the polymer annual meeting held at NCKU, 2016中華民国高分子学会 学生英文論文報告競賽, “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(arylenevinylene)s by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization”, Hsin-Yu Chiang (蔣欣妤), Masaki Horie, Presentation number: A0161 EIII-05, 2016中華民國高分子學會年會 Annual Meeting of the Polymer society, National Cheng Kung (成功大學), Jan 29-30, 2016.


Abstract selected as finalize for the student poster competition at PacifiChem (Poster competition), “Light induced molecular machine: ruthenocene-based supermolecular crystals”, Kai Jen Chen (陳楷荏), Masaki Horie, Presentation number: #1098, 2015環太平洋化學年會 PacifiChem 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (夏威儀 美國), Dec 15-20, 2015.


The best presenter in the English presentation contest in the polymer annual meeting held at NTUST, 2015 中華民国高分子学会 学生英文論文報告競賽, 傑出! “以開環置換高分子化法與McMurry反應合成新型共軛高分子”, Shu-Wei Chang, Masaki Horie, Presentation number: A0393 OEC-I-003, 2014年中華民國高分子學會年會 2014 Annual Meeting of the Polymer Society, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (台湾科技大學), Jan 30-31, 2015.


The best presenter in the English presentation contest held at NTHU, College of Engineering, 2014 第十五屆研究生論文發表競賽 決賽, “Switchable pseudorotaxanes-Thermally and photo-induced phase transition”, Chen-Kai Jen (陳楷荏), Masaki Horie, Presentation number: 11, 2014年第十五屆研究生論文發表競賽, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學), May 23, 2014.


The best presenter in the English presentation contest held at NTHU, Department of Chemical Engineering, 2014 第十五屆研究生論文發表競賽 初賽, “Synthesis and Characterization of Pseudorotaxanes: Thermally and photo-Induced molecular switches”, Chen-Kai Jen (陳楷荏), Masaki Horie, Presentation number: 11, 2014年第十五屆研究生論文發表競賽, National Tsing Hua University (國立清華大學), Apr 21, 2014.


Poster Award, “Synthesis and Characterization of Donor-Acceptor Alternating Cyclic Molecules Composed of Thiophene and Benzothiadiazole Units via McMurry Coupling”, Chih-Wei Chu (朱致瑋), Masaki Horie (堀江正樹)*, Presentation number: OR161, 101年中國化學會年會 Annual Meeting of Chemical Society Located in Taipei 2012, 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Dec 1, 2012.


Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan
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Masaki Horie | Masakilab (堀江正樹)

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